Monday, January 14, 2013

What a MONDAY!

Hey guys and gals....I tell ya..what a monday!!!

Well I have been ranting on things I have seen and today I just decided to workout more :)

I did Combat 60 but FIRST I did Body Beast Bulk Chest. I have researching if I should do cardio before or after lifting and the rule is after. The muscles need the glucose for lifting and for energy so I am giving it a try!

Combat 60 is the Extreme Fighter one and let me tell is it intense. This isn't like Insanity where you jump and run. With Combat you are punching and kicking and bobing and weaving!! You seems to never stop but the EPOC effect is very similar to that of Insanity!!

Well off to make lunches..I am trying this thing someone posted on Pinterest where you can make salads for the whole week and put them in container. As long as the dressing stays on the bottom the salad mix won't get soggy!! I found some round Ziploc Quart containers at Walmart. They were $2 for two pack so I bought 4  :) me a week worth of salads!!

Next hurdle is trying to figure out how to get my carbs under control and increase protein!! Until then...stay with the fight!!


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