Monday, March 4, 2013

Third times a charm?

Ok.. so almost done Les Mills Combat and got good results but I am an Insanity Fan at heart... :-) something about the pure adrenaline rush you get when you can't breath and wanna puke lol.

I have decided to go all out and focus directly on Insanity for the next 180 days. I am going to do a new round of Insanity (I did my first round like 6 months ago and lost 18 lbs and got body fat down to around 11%. I was at 154 lbs and have since gained back around 12lbs. (Coming from 220lbs only 6 months before that.  Thank you Tony and P90X!)

The plan of attack is: Insanity-60 day cycle, Insanity Asylum-30 day cycle, Asylum 2-30 day cycle, then the kicker. ..The "Trifecta"! Which is a 60 day cycle of all three Insanity programs together bringing me to 180 days. 

I will be Vblogging and/or blogging my journey along the way. Yes I am a CPT and Beachbody Coach and would love to help you if you need me too....I am attempting this 180 days on a personal quest of self prove to me and me alone that at 43 years old, ex smoker, ex drinker,  and single father..that when you set your mind on a goal....that ANYTHING is possible!!

If you wish to...I would be glad to help you. .come join a Challenge Group and lets make the impossible come true!!

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