Monday, March 18, 2013

Insanity Day 15 - Fit Test #2

Hey everyone!!!

Well as we all know, yesterday was a Rest Day! Two very important things about this. Number Uno, that it was VERY hard to do nothing!! I am so used to working my butt off that I found it very hard to keep myself busy. Number 2 (Uno is the only spanish I know lol) that I found it very hard to watch what I ate.

It seems that my body was craving every piece of junk food around but I was able to resist! I kept telling myself that what ever passed my lips would end up on my HIPS! Well for me my Love Handles! on to the Fit Test Results!!

SWITCH KICKS~ 70/73          POWER JACKS~ 60/63          POWER KNEES~ 105/110
POWER JUMPS~ 46/55          GLOBE JUMPS~ 11/13          SUICIDE JUMPS~ 22/25
PUSH-UP JACKS~ 40/42          LOW PLANK OBLIQUES~60/80

These are the results from the Beginning...I will keep posting test results as I continue on. One thing I would like to mention is that when Tonya says she did 100+ I am sorry but that's not possible. I think she is counting each kick as one rep and according to the Fit Test sheet it is TWO Switch Kicks equal ONE Rep! So my form went to crap and I went WAY faster than she did and she still beat me so that's not possible.

Here is the one and only ME!! >> Revolution X Fitness - Insanity Fit Test #2

I know I form on a few moves SUCK. But my ceiling is low and if I jump high I take the skin off all my knuckles! Trust me I have done it more than once! But 3rd fit test I will focus on form now that I know what my bad areas are.

Don't forget about the Beachbody Challenge!! Get paid to get fit? Yep! You could win up to $100,000 like my friend Richard Neal!  I inserted the link below for everyone to make it easier to find. Don't be ashamed if you are 50 or more lbs overweight! I lost 70 lbs but a drop in the bucket to Richards 242 lbs!!! All you have to do is take the first step and I will help you get there like my coach did for me!

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