Thursday, March 21, 2013

Insanity Day 18 - Cardio Recovery

Setting Goals!
Hey everyone!!

I can't say I have been HAPPIER to see Cardio Recovery on the schedule today! Now we know...if you have been following my blog that this is anything but a "recovery" but compared to the other days I would consider this a blessing!!

NOTE: You may be wondering why I have posted a picture of some half naked guy....well it's all about setting goals! I have some very high expectations of myself and seeing I am dropping body fat I am also burning up some muscle from the Elite Fitness plan with Insanity.

Well we all have goals and I thought I would share mine. For me it's not about getting crazy huge (to old for that), or getting extremely skinny (that's not healthy), of even about the "perfect body" (wouldn't we all want that!) I am setting realistic goals for myself that I know with hard work and some dedication I can and WILL achieve!

Will I look like this guy? Most likely not, but that is ok because what it does it give me a "look" to aspire towards. If we don't know what we want to achieve, AKA Setting Goals, then how do we know what to do? So now with that in mind, what is your goal? Do you have one? Do you need help setting one? Is it doable or is it so out of reach you feel like a failure? If you want help, or would just like to chat, you can always find me on Facebook or twitter. Feel free to comment on any of my blog posts so I know I am not talking to cyber air :-)

Until tomorrow..DIG DEEP, dust off the weights, and GET TO WORK!! You have GOALS!!!!


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