Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Insanity Day 9 - Plyo Cardio Circuit

DAY 9 IN THE BOOKS!! Plyo Cardio Circuit isn't as hard as the first time I did it!! I am on my way to getting my endurance rate up!

I now can make it all the way through the "warm-up" section without suckin wind!! Love the high knees and the Heisman's, they are what bring my heart rate ups super fast and warm up the muscles.

I still notice issues with my knees so going to try to warm up a little before the warm up (is that a negative?) just to get blood flowing into joints of my knees. Hoping this will help.

You may have noticed Day 8 is missing...I did do the workout (Pure Cardio) but got behind on time so didn't post. What was Day 8 you may ask...well that was a laying on the floor wanting to puke. See video below..

Insanity ~ Pure Cardio

You will hear people doing Insanity saying; "My warm up is your workout" and this is no joke!! The Insanity Warm Up section is around 15 minutes long and is a "Circuit" type warm up. By the end of it you are thinking to yourself, wow I hope the next 30 minutes goes by quick!! :)

Well tomorrow seems to be the Cardio Recovery. It starts off like recovery but then Shaun T starts in with the slow squats and then pulses. This is about when I start swearing at him because they burn bad!! That burn is CHANGE and I welcome it but not saying I enjoy it!

Well off to bed....please feel free to comment or post questions or comments! I need to know you are out there!!


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