Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Insanity MIP & New Supplements

Short brief blog before bed. I haven't been sleeping well so I had to stop tonight from my knees hurting.

I will hit up Max Recovery and hopefully get some sleep tonight to rest the body.

Ok quick word about Supplements. ..i have been using Shakeology for almost year and it helped me tremendously but it has plateaus like fitness I think. I am giving Isagenix a try due to some packs more aimed at athletic people like myself. If you need more info let me know.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Insanity Day 44 - Max Interval Circuit

5am and heading to work shortly. Just wanted to stop in and share how things are going.  Have been having problems sleeping recently so it makes keeping up during the max phase very difficult. Not really sure what is causing the insomnia but it will pass like it normally does.

Just a quick note that I still have a couple spots in my 60 day Insanity Challenge! Have you done P90X or Power 90? Maybe ready to take fitness to the next level? Join my challenge and get in INSANE shape!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

OxyElite Pro Review #1

Ok taking the New Formula of OxyElite Pro and some noticeable differences in effects. I am only on day 2 but I have noticed something already. I am getting a little more energy and focus but not the "skin crawling" feeling like the original version.

They removed the DMAA from the new version and changed the formulation a bit and also upped the caffeine content. I drink a lot of coffee so caffeine doesn't bother me at all.

So far I am following the recommend  dosing schedule as it appears on the bottle. One pill 30 minutes before breakfast and then one again 4 hrs later. I actually take second pill 30 minutes before lunch.

One thing about OEP is the ability to suppress your appetite. I for one don't need this because I am doing Insanity and eat all day long! I am running 1000+ calories short every day anyways so I HAVE to eat!!

So far I haven't seen any changes in Body Fat but it takes weeks to see changes anyways.  I may up dosing in the morning to 2 pills (not to exceed 3 per day) and see how I feel.

One thing I want to stress!!! I DO NOT repeat DO NOT take OEP within 6 hrs of Insanity!!! This is a thermogenic and raises blood pressure and it would be stupid to have a full amount running through your body an hour before doing extreme cardio!  That's asking for major trouble in my opinion.

I also have upped my water intake from 100oz to 160oz to help flush my body of toxins. I hope this helps and will be posting more!!!!


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Insanity Day 40 - Max Interval Circuit

Hey everyone!!! I am still looking for 2 more people to join my April/May Challenge Group!!

Ok....I am now into Max Phase of Insanity....and let me tell you..I will make it short and sweet! This is NO JOKE! I remember doing this almost a year ago and thought I was gonna die!! Well I still feel that same way lol.

The first month is pretty tough if you are not pretty fit but no matter HOW fit you are the second month is rough! Just when you think you are done.....NOPE. Shaun has you right back at it for one more interval! He can be brutal at times but if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!

If you want INCREDIBLE results then you need to get on this Challenge!! Don't think you can't do Insanity because you CAN! You can always modify and only do as much as possible (I take a lot of breaks, trust me!)

I have not been dropping weight, i fluctuate between 168-172 but my waist is shrinking and can see my body fat is coming down. To me it's not fast enough so I am using OxyElite Pro again. I just started today and this is the "new" formula. I will blog about this as the old formula did wonders to help shed body fat!!

Until then, off to a Wellness Expo!!! Have amazing weekend!!!


Monday, April 8, 2013

Insanity PHASE TWO - Fit Test/Max Interval Circuit & Polar FT4


Hey everyone...I made it through Recovery week...but sadly gained a few pounds back :/ this was my fault from not eating properly (I have small children and the running around got to me) should have just brought Shakeology!

Well today was.....FIT TEST and Max Interval Circuit!! OMG!! That was CRAZY hard!!! I forgot how hard that is partially because when I did the first Round of Insanity I just did Max Interval Sports Training so I didn't really get good recovery. I am following the schedule to a T now (with exception of Insane Abs). Max Intervals is where we separate the fit from the not fit enough yet! That workout today was extremely hard and LONG!

I got a Used (New to me) Polar FT4 with chest strap so I can start really monitoring my calories and not was I way off!!

I had some issues with chest strap not being tight enough at first and slipping but I think I can get it a little tighter and make it work better. Anyways here is the results is read....

Time: 1hr 39min
Calories Burned: 1290!!! (that's crazy because I haven't even eaten that today I don't think (I use My Fitness Pal app on my phone)

Well I am off to wash the strap and take in some much needed food!!! Have a wonderful evening, and feel free to comment and or share with others...


Friday, April 5, 2013

Insanity Recovery Week ...I'm Under Eating!

NOTE LINK ABOVE!! INSANITY IS ON SALE!! Save $90 off if you purchase the program/shakeology/and club separately.. Regular Price WAS $205..Sale Price is $180!! That is great deal (I paid full price for mine).

Insanity Recovery Week....hey everyone!!

Sorry I haven't been posting but busy life last week while I prepare for my CPT final, moving, and the being a single parent thing :) Just wanted to drop in and leave a note or two about the Recovery Week.

Basically its the same dvd over and over all week (Core Cardio and Balance). The movements are slow and deliberate to allow you to remain flexible during the basic "resting" week. I have noticed that I dropped a few pounds without adjusting my caloric intake much.

FIT TEST #3 is Monday!! Interested to see if I got better or worse after having such a light week with the nice break. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying every minute of the break on my hips and knees. Plus I think the floor appreciates the break from the pounding on the carpet! :)

OhhhhK, now a quick word about the Insanity Formula they use in the book. I kinda "guessed" what my needs were when I started and that is a mistake! My body has been fighting me with the weight and body fat. My weight has been fluctuating back and forth from 168-174 but not stabilizing or coming down. Couple reasons for this (or bodies are like a machine so easy to figure out once you understand them) First is that my body may have found it's "stable" weight where it feels comfortable at no matter how hard I work it (Homeostasis) >Homeostasis< or number Two is that i am not eating properly and my body is in a state of starvation (yes even eating 5 times a day it still happens).

The later is what I felt may be happening due to my past experiences. I took the Insanity Guide and re-calculated my bodies needs and I have been under eating by an average of 1200 calories a day! I was using My Fitness Pal app and staying within their guidelines and this was very far from what I need.

The Insanity Guide Formula is the most accurate based on Height/Weight/Activity I will be bringing my caloric intake up to the level that is needed. When I did the first Round of Insanity I was averaging around 3200 calories a day so this will be the level I attempt again but with more focus on high quality calories from Protein Isolates.

Until Monday Fit Test....have a wonderful weekend!!


twitter: @revxfit
fb: revxfitness
youtube: revxfit

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Insanity Day 23 - CPR!!


I know I have missed posting a few days...but not that I wasn't working out!! I was crazy busy being a daddy!! :) Best job ever btw....I wouldn't trade it for all the $$ in the world!!

Anywho.....CPR (aka Cardio Power and Resistance) about kills by quads! I freaking LOVE this workout!

As for the last few days..some where late workouts so I didn't get a chance to post. I am counting down the day to Insanity Asylum but I think I may be a little weird! I am actually looking forward to it!

As the saying goes.."if it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't CHANGE YOU!"


A quick heads up!! Shakeology is going up in price April 1st...So If you want to lock in your price, now would be a good time!!

This is the BEST meal replacement on the market and what keeps me going day after day with Insanity!! Come get ya some and never forget Shakeology always has the Bottom Of The Bag promise....if you don't like it...send it back within 30 days and get a full refund!! WIN/WIN!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Insanity Day 19 - CPR!

Another day IN THE BOOKS!!! Cardio Power & Resistance... or better known as CPR!!

I was able to push super hard even after eating CRAP with the kids (I had chicken at McDonalds...ugghhh) nothing but deep fried goodness...NOT!  I paid for it when I did my workout and my body was sure to inform me of it!!

I did CPR around 7:30pm and I normally don't workout this late due to our bodies starting to release chemicals to slow us down, preparing for sleep. I try and get all my workouts done before 7pm daily!

Proud moment though....I have completed 19 days without falter and haven't missed a beat. I am shooting for the full 180 days straight with no breaks. Yes that is a solid 6 months straight with no breaks other than the "rest" days allowed per the schedules. After I complete the full 180 days will come a Professional Photo Shoot and then I am going to do the Beachbody Ultimate Reset (aka: BUR) to help rid my body of all toxins before I start a Hybrid program. If Insanity/Asylum/Asylum2 get me ripped I will most likely continue with those with some weight training.

It was late last night so I didn't post but here it is...double posting today! I have Plyo on the books today and am going to try to touch the sky!! If spring or summer ever show up I will do my workouts outside! I can download my workouts onto my Ipod and do the workouts that way..just look at it long enough to see the moves (I have most of them memorized).

Ohhh and if you haven't seen this video...OMG I am on a mission!! Check this guy and girl out!! Crazy fit people but keep in mind the music has A LOT of profanity in it! Rob Bailey and The Hustle Standard is the group and the song is called : Hungry.

HOT Fitness couple KILLER WORKOUT!!!

Here is the Info about the BUR (Beachbody Ultimate Reset)...21 Day program to rid your body of fat and literally RESET your metabolism!! >

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Insanity Day 18 - Cardio Recovery

Setting Goals!
Hey everyone!!

I can't say I have been HAPPIER to see Cardio Recovery on the schedule today! Now we know...if you have been following my blog that this is anything but a "recovery" but compared to the other days I would consider this a blessing!!

NOTE: You may be wondering why I have posted a picture of some half naked guy....well it's all about setting goals! I have some very high expectations of myself and seeing I am dropping body fat I am also burning up some muscle from the Elite Fitness plan with Insanity.

Well we all have goals and I thought I would share mine. For me it's not about getting crazy huge (to old for that), or getting extremely skinny (that's not healthy), of even about the "perfect body" (wouldn't we all want that!) I am setting realistic goals for myself that I know with hard work and some dedication I can and WILL achieve!

Will I look like this guy? Most likely not, but that is ok because what it does it give me a "look" to aspire towards. If we don't know what we want to achieve, AKA Setting Goals, then how do we know what to do? So now with that in mind, what is your goal? Do you have one? Do you need help setting one? Is it doable or is it so out of reach you feel like a failure? If you want help, or would just like to chat, you can always find me on Facebook or twitter. Feel free to comment on any of my blog posts so I know I am not talking to cyber air :-)

Until tomorrow..DIG DEEP, dust off the weights, and GET TO WORK!! You have GOALS!!!!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Insanity Day 17 - Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs

Every time...Pure Cardio kicks my butt!!! Today was a double (per schedule) and I was thinking of doing Insane Abs again but opted for Cardio Abs instead to follow the schedule today.

I am seeing some major changes so far! Into the 3rd week my weight has only come down 3 lbs from when I started but I took my waist measurement and BAM!! 1-1/2 " gone just like that! Yes I worked for it but I was concerned not seeing the scale move much.

Seeing the scale hasn't moved much but I am shrinking, based on what we know (that muscle is more dense than fat and takes up much less space) I am burning body fat and converting it into muscle. This is exactly what we are trying to accomplish here :)

The Cardio Abs routine is about 10 minutes shorter than Insane Abs but feels just as hard!  I believe it was 22 minutes long but you feel EVERY part of those abs working. Shaun T does NOT do crunches or sit-ups and sometimes I would rather do those LOL.

Getting ready for great hot shower and to call it a night! Knees have been a little sore still but hoping taking the joint supplement will help by next week. I heard about Cissus (sp) and fish oil but going to see if this works first.

Are you ready to join me get even more insane? 5 weeks until Asylum starts!! I have to be insane to be excited about that!! LOL  But here is a link to  the Asylum should you care to join me!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Insanity Day 16 - Plyo Cardio Circuit

Just some quick notes for today because it's getting late. Plyo Cardio Circuit today and it went very well.

I was a little sore today, I think from pushing so hard in Fit Test. That's ok because it keeps me honest and I will NEVER say Insanity is easy!

My knees are always an issue for me so I started taking a supplement today to see how things go. Week 3 is off to a great start with a ton of sweat and a lot of swearing at Shaun T!

I am off to bed for one main reason...REST! Week 3 is when the doubles start as a prep to the Max Phase. Tomorrow's plan is Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs Back2back..I will make decision tomorrow as to whether I want to ONE UP myself and do Insane Abs in place of Cardio abs...check back tomorrow to see how it went!

Front the Insanity Front of Revolution X Fitness house of pain (aka my livingroom) have a wonderful and restful evening!!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Insanity Day 15 - Fit Test #2

Hey everyone!!!

Well as we all know, yesterday was a Rest Day! Two very important things about this. Number Uno, that it was VERY hard to do nothing!! I am so used to working my butt off that I found it very hard to keep myself busy. Number 2 (Uno is the only spanish I know lol) that I found it very hard to watch what I ate.

It seems that my body was craving every piece of junk food around but I was able to resist! I kept telling myself that what ever passed my lips would end up on my HIPS! Well for me my Love Handles! on to the Fit Test Results!!

SWITCH KICKS~ 70/73          POWER JACKS~ 60/63          POWER KNEES~ 105/110
POWER JUMPS~ 46/55          GLOBE JUMPS~ 11/13          SUICIDE JUMPS~ 22/25
PUSH-UP JACKS~ 40/42          LOW PLANK OBLIQUES~60/80

These are the results from the Beginning...I will keep posting test results as I continue on. One thing I would like to mention is that when Tonya says she did 100+ I am sorry but that's not possible. I think she is counting each kick as one rep and according to the Fit Test sheet it is TWO Switch Kicks equal ONE Rep! So my form went to crap and I went WAY faster than she did and she still beat me so that's not possible.

Here is the one and only ME!! >> Revolution X Fitness - Insanity Fit Test #2

I know I form on a few moves SUCK. But my ceiling is low and if I jump high I take the skin off all my knuckles! Trust me I have done it more than once! But 3rd fit test I will focus on form now that I know what my bad areas are.

Don't forget about the Beachbody Challenge!! Get paid to get fit? Yep! You could win up to $100,000 like my friend Richard Neal!  I inserted the link below for everyone to make it easier to find. Don't be ashamed if you are 50 or more lbs overweight! I lost 70 lbs but a drop in the bucket to Richards 242 lbs!!! All you have to do is take the first step and I will help you get there like my coach did for me!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Insanity Day 13 - Pure Cardio/Insane Abs

Here we are on Day 13...I think I got my days screwed up somewhere lmao!! But who cares I am right on track!!

Ok so today was Pure Cardio and then supposed to be Cardio Abs after. Seeing I have the add-ons to Insanity I did Insane Abs instead...just WOW! I had to stop over and over because my core is weaker than I thought and my lower back started to hurt.

I have a herniated disk, bulging disk, and arthritis in both my hips (they pop doing some moves) but I am very careful on form as to not hurt myself. Shaun T is big on slowing down and following correct form which in my first round I didn't pay attention to...I paid the price with very sore knees!

So here we are ready to move on into a new week on Monday and into the 3rd week! I am so excited to be doing this and sharing it with everyone because it really is forcing me to be accountable to the program and to all of you!

Tomorrow is a REST day and this is going to be very hard for me. I am not one to lay back and relax but the last couple days I have gotten 9 hrs of sleep (wow did it feel good too) and I plan on just doing some cleaning and studying tomorrow. I may or may not blog tomorrow but you will just have to check and see :)

Until we meet again (monday for sure) have a wonderful and amazing weekend! I have included the Beachbody Challenge link below...want to get super fit? It ALL starts with the Challenge, it's how I got started and lost 70 lbs in 6 months... NO JOKE!! Are you ready? Also P90X and P90X2 are on sale until end of March...great way to get started! I started with P90X.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Insanity Day 11 - Cardio Power and Resistance

Insanity Day 11!!

Today was a very good learning day for me!! I found out that you do NOT use stimulants will doing a program like Insanity!

I will make this short and sweet...I used NOS powder an hour before I did this workout...dumbest thing I could do!!

Here is the workout section I was doing before I had to lay down to not pass out!
>> Insanity Cardio Power and Stimulants.

So to make a long story short..if you can't breath, want to throw up, and then get tunnel's time to lay on the floor with your feet up!!!

See you tomorrow for a SERIOUS workout!!!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Insanity Day 10 - Cardio Recovery

Hey everyone!! Yep today was short and sweet just like this blog will be today!!

Two goals I have for Cardio Recovery.. #1 is to make it ALL the way through the leg part. The burn is SO intense in my quads and hips that I have to relax the muscle over and over. But I am gonna do it if it kills me!! #2 is to be able to find a way to get rid of that lactic acid burn!! I was not very hydrated today and have a feeling that was the cause!

<< I am posting this little icon thing just for fun and to show I am real. Yes I can lower one eyebrow and raise the other...AND i can wiggle my ears and make my hair move like it's a #random thoughts lol.

Anyways I hope you are ready to dig deep because tomorrow is a crazy day!! For one, it's FRIDAY and for two it is Cardio Power & Resistance.

Off to have some popcorn and watch one of my favorite Jim Carey movies...Liar, Liar....have a pleasant and wonderful evening!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Insanity Day 9 - Plyo Cardio Circuit

DAY 9 IN THE BOOKS!! Plyo Cardio Circuit isn't as hard as the first time I did it!! I am on my way to getting my endurance rate up!

I now can make it all the way through the "warm-up" section without suckin wind!! Love the high knees and the Heisman's, they are what bring my heart rate ups super fast and warm up the muscles.

I still notice issues with my knees so going to try to warm up a little before the warm up (is that a negative?) just to get blood flowing into joints of my knees. Hoping this will help.

You may have noticed Day 8 is missing...I did do the workout (Pure Cardio) but got behind on time so didn't post. What was Day 8 you may ask...well that was a laying on the floor wanting to puke. See video below..

Insanity ~ Pure Cardio

You will hear people doing Insanity saying; "My warm up is your workout" and this is no joke!! The Insanity Warm Up section is around 15 minutes long and is a "Circuit" type warm up. By the end of it you are thinking to yourself, wow I hope the next 30 minutes goes by quick!! :)

Well tomorrow seems to be the Cardio Recovery. It starts off like recovery but then Shaun T starts in with the slow squats and then pulses. This is about when I start swearing at him because they burn bad!! That burn is CHANGE and I welcome it but not saying I enjoy it!

Well off to bed....please feel free to comment or post questions or comments! I need to know you are out there!!


Monday, March 11, 2013

Insanity ~ Cardio Power & Resistance

Day 7 of 180!! Cardio Power and Resistance....

Wow!! One day off and it's like starting over again! I think the hardest part are all the power moves like the Power Squats and the walking pushups...just crazy!

I have found myself lacking on water and have noticed a major disadvantage to this. I know better than to be under hydrated doing such intense am going to focus more on staying heavily hydrated. After finishing up the first week my body is very sore and swollen. I am retaining water due to the body trying to protect the muscle tissue. I will increase my water intake to help flush the built up lactic acid. I can also tell i am very swollen because i have trouble with stretches in the beginning.

On a much more positive note, I can make it all the way through the warm up without stopping like i did last week. A little progress is always good to prove it's working (god help me if it isn't lol) because this is NOT easy.

As crazy as this sounds, i find myself looking forward to the pain when I get off work. I find this Elite type training to be what my body needs to release the daily stress of work. You find yourself so focused on your form and keeping your core contracted that you forget all about the day. When you are done, the release of endorphins is immense! Your whole body tingles as your metabolisms is burning fat like a well trained machine.

Tomorrow is Pure Cardio and this one is extreme!! It isn't the typical Circuit type training...this one is move after move after breaks except if you need water. I think i will make sure i am very well hydrated tomorrow before this one!!

If you are interested in joining me in this challenge...feel free to message me! Here is a direct link to order Insanity for yourself!

You can also find me on
Facebook: revxfitness

Sunday, March 10, 2013

180 Days of Insanity!

So I had this just INSANE idea and that was to see how hard and far I can push this body! We all know I am no 25 yr old stud (i try to be though lol) but I figured if they can do something intense in fitness, well i will be damned if I don't try!

I have embarked on my 180 day journey into Insanity and the land of Shaun T training! I am preparing myself to become an Elite Athlete and a Professional Insanity Instructor along with a P90X instructor. I know this is not going to be easy (nothing worth fighting for is) but I am willing to take a challenge and dedicate myself to this quest!

The basic layout is to do another round of Insanity.. (i did my first round last year, then did some slacking, then Body Beast, then Combat) I am now in DAY 6 and just got done Plyo Cardio Circuit and that ends the first week. To be honest...I thought because I had done Insanity before it would be easy to pick it back up, wow was I wrong!

After completing this 60 day run I am NOT taking any days off and heading directly into Asylum which is an even more intense 30 Day program based on the fundamentals of Elite Athlete Training. After graduation of Asylum then I head directly into Asylum 2 which you can probably guess is the most intense program from Beachbody to date! With completion of all three of these programs I intend to take a very short rest..3-5 days and detox my body with a Shakeology Cleanse to help clean out the massive amount of complex carbs I will be taking in. What's going to complete the last 60 days?? The TRIFECTA!! All three Insanity Programs merged together, making this the MOST intense Elite Training Possible.

Some of you may be asking WHY am I doing this...really. Well in July 2011 I was 220+ lbs and dying from the food i was eating and the life I was living. I was tired of waking up and not being able to breath, I could barely breath bending over to tie my shoes, and it took me over an hour to cut my toe nails (gross I know) because I had to stop to catch my breath. I finally had had enough and to make long story short I ordered P90X. For full story feel free to ask me..I can direct you to it on my facebook.

Well thank you for visiting this blog and I hope you follow me along this INSANE journey. I think what would mean the most is to meet Tony Horton and Shaun T and shake their hands for saving a life with the programs they developed. This has not been easy by any means but I now wake up every day thankful for what god has allowed me to become.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Third times a charm?

Ok.. so almost done Les Mills Combat and got good results but I am an Insanity Fan at heart... :-) something about the pure adrenaline rush you get when you can't breath and wanna puke lol.

I have decided to go all out and focus directly on Insanity for the next 180 days. I am going to do a new round of Insanity (I did my first round like 6 months ago and lost 18 lbs and got body fat down to around 11%. I was at 154 lbs and have since gained back around 12lbs. (Coming from 220lbs only 6 months before that.  Thank you Tony and P90X!)

The plan of attack is: Insanity-60 day cycle, Insanity Asylum-30 day cycle, Asylum 2-30 day cycle, then the kicker. ..The "Trifecta"! Which is a 60 day cycle of all three Insanity programs together bringing me to 180 days. 

I will be Vblogging and/or blogging my journey along the way. Yes I am a CPT and Beachbody Coach and would love to help you if you need me too....I am attempting this 180 days on a personal quest of self prove to me and me alone that at 43 years old, ex smoker, ex drinker,  and single father..that when you set your mind on a goal....that ANYTHING is possible!!

If you wish to...I would be glad to help you. .come join a Challenge Group and lets make the impossible come true!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

What a MONDAY!

Hey guys and gals....I tell ya..what a monday!!!

Well I have been ranting on things I have seen and today I just decided to workout more :)

I did Combat 60 but FIRST I did Body Beast Bulk Chest. I have researching if I should do cardio before or after lifting and the rule is after. The muscles need the glucose for lifting and for energy so I am giving it a try!

Combat 60 is the Extreme Fighter one and let me tell is it intense. This isn't like Insanity where you jump and run. With Combat you are punching and kicking and bobing and weaving!! You seems to never stop but the EPOC effect is very similar to that of Insanity!!

Well off to make lunches..I am trying this thing someone posted on Pinterest where you can make salads for the whole week and put them in container. As long as the dressing stays on the bottom the salad mix won't get soggy!! I found some round Ziploc Quart containers at Walmart. They were $2 for two pack so I bought 4  :) me a week worth of salads!!

Next hurdle is trying to figure out how to get my carbs under control and increase protein!! Until then...stay with the fight!!


Friday, January 11, 2013

What a day!

Hey guys and gals..

Did HIIT PLYO today....just WOW. Talk about taking a beating!

What is great about this program today is you are doing a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and studies are finding this is the best way to burn fat. The EPOC effect (aka the afterburn effect) is when your body is burning calories like crazy!

I find when I am starting each days workout that I don't sweat much but when I am done I don't stop sweating for almost an hour. This is the EPOC effect. My metabolism is in high gear!!!

I look for these type of l programs I enjoy, similar to Insanity but without the higher impact.

Until tomorrow...Stay with the fight!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

My weekend is here!!

Hey there!!!

Well my weekend has started! ! Chase and I watched movies after I got done working out.

Let me tell ya' Combat 30 has a serious EPOC effect. Not sweating much in the beginning but pouring sweat by the end. I did Core Attack next while following thd Hybrid Schedule I have. I have a pretty strong core (or so I thought) and I almost kept up with this. Dan adds weight and I gave it my best effort :-)

Tomorrow is HIIT Plyo and Inner Warrior..I look forward to another day of pure sweat!!! Until then, Stay with the fight! There is nothing more satisfying than watching the sweat just dripping from your face. Its EARNED!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Back In Biz

Ok its been awhile since I've blog. So far so good with combat. I can see this being a good cardio vascular program, with the large variety it has. 1 thing that I find interesting are they HIIT programs. I find during use my legs are on fire and it's hard to walk afterwards which means they're working.

The 30 minute program I think it's called kick start and only last 30 minutes but you feel like you worked out for an hour for the amount that you sweat.

I'm following the program word for word letter for letter with the exception of Tuesdays I teach turbo kick class. I don't have enough time to fit in a 2 workouts unless I were to get up at 3am. Which isn't going to happen lol. If you're looking for a modifiable cardio program I would highly recommend Les Mills Combat!!!